Saturday, June 29, 2013

What Have I Been Up To?

I've been very busy lately! I went to two birthday parties for my cousins in one weekend, started summer school at my local university, and joined a gym! I'm even thinking about going to ballet camp 4 days a week!
Summer school is very tiring, but it will be worth it in the end when I don't have to take chemistry next year! I'll just work super hard and try to get a good grade! 

*Sigh* Well anyway, here are some pictures I took from the birthday parties I went to.


  1. Hey girly! I nominated you for the Liebster Award that's going around blogger. Its a really fun thing to do. Theres 11 questions for you to answer and you can find the rules on my blog. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! ♡

    1. Oh wow! Thank you!!
      I'm going to try doing this again in the future! Thanks for the nomination!
